Teen Voices Project

Learn how the arts can be a valuable tool for self-care. This project is FOR TEENS, BY TEENS! The Dance of Life by Kiran  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pa7XE9z3nSA   Please Handle With Self-Care by Megan  https://anchor.fm/plzhandlewithselfcare    

Virtual Family Science Night

Register Here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VirtualScienceNight This program is made possible by the Seth Bonder Foundation

Bilingual Virtual Family Arts Night/ Noche Virtual de Aprendizaje Familiar

Ecology and Sustainability Theme! Artworks Anywhere Family Night lets you learn and play together through the arts. Professional teaching artists will show you how to support literacy at home via ZOOM. Families will receive a free copy of a book! Tema de ecología & sostenibilidad ! "Artworks Anywhere Family Night” les permite aprender y jugar […]

Olmeca Virtual Community Lecture

Olmeca is a Hip-hop artist, producer and scholar who has been featured on BBC London, Complex Magazine, Noisey, Huffington Post, NPR, Democracy Now and CNN Latino. His music has been featured on various documentaries, including PBS’ “Independence Lens,” and “Two Americans” and a documentary about immigration in Arizona. He has written music for television shows, […]

Olmeca Master Class

Olmeca is a Hip-hop artist, producer and scholar who has been featured on BBC London, Complex Magazine, Noisey, Huffington Post, NPR, Democracy Now and CNN Latino. His music has been featured on various documentaries, including PBS’ “Independence Lens,” and “Two Americans” and a documentary about immigration in Arizona. He has written music for television shows, […]

Olmeca FREE Bilingual Community Concert

Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall 777 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL, United States

Olmeca is a Hip-hop artist, producer and scholar who has been featured on BBC London, Complex Magazine, Noisey, Huffington Post, NPR, Democracy Now and CNN Latino. His music has been featured on various documentaries, including PBS’ “Independence Lens,” and “Two Americans” and a documentary about immigration in Arizona. He has written music for television shows, […]

Olmeca Concierto Bilingue Gratuito

Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall 777 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL, United States

Olmeca is a Hip-hop artist, producer and scholar who has been featured on BBC London, Complex Magazine, Noisey, Huffington Post, NPR, Democracy Now and CNN Latino. His music has been featured on various documentaries, including PBS’ “Independence Lens,” and “Two Americans” and a documentary about immigration in Arizona. He has written music for television shows, […]

Bill Blagg’s Magic Science Lab- Video Series

Students join Bill Blagg inside The Magic Science Lab where they will explore how magicians use science to create the impossible! In this residency, students will learn the “secret” 5 step process (The Scientific Method) magicians use to develop the illusions they perform! Together with Bill, they will use the “secret” 5 steps to make […]

Bilingual Virtual Family Arts Night/ Noche Virtual de Aprendizaje Familiar

Artworks Anywhere Family Night lets you learn and play together through the arts. Professional teaching artists will show you how to support literacy at home via ZOOM. Families will receive a free copy of a book! "Artworks Anywhere Family Night” les permite aprender y jugar juntos a través de las artes. Los artistas docentes del […]